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It’s how we work, what we do: we click, swipe, scroll, upload, download, and share our way through the day, often without a second thought about security. We expect to be secure as we enjoy the convenience of doing business in the cloud, but sometimes it’s our own behavior that creates the most challenging vulnerabilities.

Every so often, we’re stopped in our tracks: an official-looking phishing email gets through the cracks, or a team member uploads information from a compromised source. Now we’re dealing with an insider threat or a compromised account, and the only answer is quick and responsive remediation. That’s where CASBs come in.

What is a CASB?

A “CASB” (CAZ-bee) is a cloud access security broker: on-premise or cloud-hosted software that sits between cloud service consumers and cloud service providers to enforce security, compliance, and governance policies for cloud applications such asOffice365, SharePoint, Salesforce, and even the big players like Amazon and Azure.CASBs help protect corporate data in the cloud. The term “CASB” originated with research giant Gartner, who recently released a Magic Quadrant (the company’s unique research methodology) rating CASB vendors on the market. Gartner calls CASB “the fastest growing security category ever.”SkyhighNetworks was first to market in this space, launching the first CASB in 2012. The cloud security startup was acquired by McAfee in January 2018.

What are the Benefits ofSkyhigh?

Skyhighis aCASBmarket leaderearningtop placement bykey analysts: Gartner, Forrester and IDC.Here aresome usefulbenefits ofSkyhighand whyCASBsmatter to companies doing business in the cloud:

Data Loss Prevention

Skyhighenforcesdata loss prevention (DLP) policies across the cloud by incorporating shadowIT,real-timeand near real-timeprotections, and alerting, reporting and preventing DLP compromises.

Greater Understanding of Risk and Use

You can only protect yourself from what you can see.Skyhigh’sshadow IT providesvisibilityofthecloud servicesinstalledandactivein your environmentand details aboutwho is using the serviceand for whatpurpose—allof whichhelptodevelop arisk profilefor your organization.Also,Skyhigh’sconfiguration audit service can be leveraged to find potential misconfigurations and risksin yourPaaSandIaaSenvironment.

Enable productivity on the go but safely

With team members on the go,personal devices play a part in getting business done.Skyhighcan be configured toblock the download of corporate data to personal devices by preventing unauthorized transfers to sources outside of your acceptable environment.To do so,Skyhighusesstate-of-the-art scanning techniquescoupled with proven McAfee DLP engine.

Threat Detection

Detection precedes remediation.Skyhighcan detect compromised accounts, insider threats,and malware by providing visibility by auditing cloud application logs andhomingin on suspicious events.

Control Security Settings

Audit and tighten the security settings of your cloud servicesby providing nearreal-time configuration and auditing of your infrastructure. Spot what your infrastructure engineers missed!

What isSkyhighas a Service?

Companies who want the benefit of using theSkyhighCASB while streamlining their investment have the option of working with a managed service provider (MSP) to host and manageSkyhighfor their teams.MSP solutions provide an unlimited number of policy changes to allow your security strategy to grow with your business. Additional benefits ofSkyhighas a Service include customized reporting and dashboards, engineering support, multi-tier help desk, and 24×7 operation and support.

Find out more

The ݮƵ cyber teamis a McAfee Managed Service ProviderdeliveringSkyhighas a Service to customers of all sizes, in public sector and commercial markets. Find out more by contactingAndy Woodsatandy.woods@ݮƵtech.com.

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